Permanent Makeup Supplies

Frequently asked questions

Should I stock up on certain colours?
Yes, if you use them. Subtle colours tend to be used a lot, but not striking ones; exceptions occur.

What about makeup trends, what do I advise customers?
Avril Lavigne is known for her offbeat style, yet opted for a conservative wedding; she was smart enough to know that she had to look back on her decisions later in life and didn’t want to regret them. The same goes for any trends in fashion and makeup, only with permanent makeup the result is fixed, and this season’s trend might seem silly in a few year’s time, especially as you really do start to look more mature. Your present mindset is not the end of history, you will continue to change your mind; take this into account with permanent makeup or any decisions that will impact your life long term.

Any general advice?
Go with a makeup look that works for everyday wear, and that looks natural. Like all good makeup it should seem like your natural appearance. Context is everything, however. Makeup looks odd when a person is in their pyjamas, even if the same look was subtle looking a few hours earlier at the office.

If you have a natural appearing permanent makeup look you can always add to it for a Saturday night out or any special occasion. It is easy to add to permanent makeup, to add more striking colours; it is difficult to take away from it, to make bold colours more subtle.

Look at what style of clothing suits you, particularity the colours. Makeup should suit your complexion and the clothing colours that go with this

Permanent makeup supplies fall into two categories: the products applied like the pigments, disinfectant, anaesthetic …etc. and the application equipment. Electrical equipment will last for years with minimal effort, but some items, like needles, pads …etc. are only to be used once. Any second use, even on the same day even on the same customer, is a serious infection risk.

Keep a large stock of disposable needles, pads and all disposables. The shelf life of these items is long; the risk of running out when you really need them is disastrous.

Facetouch - permanent makeup product

Call Facetouch for any permanent makeup supplies.

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