House Painting Sydney

House Painting Services Sydney                   

Ideally all walls for painting should be flat and clean. This means any indentations should be filled and sanded, and the walls should have any grease, grim and dirt removed with sugar soap. For recently constructed walls this is not an issue. For older houses it is essential preparation.

painters sydney - Tiger Painting Services

Furniture and House Painting Sydney

The gyprock surface of interior walls is not the only paintable surface of a house. Railings, furniture, mantelpieces and other items are sometime painted. Preparing these surfaces correctly is also necessary for the best results.

One quick trick for many of these paintable items is spray on primer and filler. Large indentations will always require some form of filler, but many surface scratches and smaller marks can be completely covered with a spray-on primer filler.

Spray-on primer fillers are most commonly seen in the automotive repair industry; car owners are fussy about paintwork. As such, they are often intended for metal surfaces. But many new spray- primer/fillers now also work on wooded surfaces. If not, a spray-on filler/primer can be used over a standard wooden primer.

Old wooden or metal furniture can often be restored quite well. Spray-on fillers/primers can save a lot of preparation time.

Consider using some left over paint from the main house for the furniture. Furniture painted the same colour as the trim/skirting boards can look particularly effective.

House Painters Sydney

We spend much of our lives in our homes. They are our own private part of the world, and our connection to family and possessions. It’s worthwhile making sure that our homes are all they can be. A good paintjob is a good start to a better home.

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