You will probably not be doing your own wedding makeup, but there are a few things you can do to help the artist who does your makeup for the big day.
- A makeup trial is expected these days; you might want to try a few different options. Wearing a top that is the same colour as your wedding dress will give you a good idea on how the dress and makeup will look together.
- If you haven’t done so already, search for some ideas online and show images of what you like to the makeup artist.
- Some makeup artist used to allow pre-wedding photography at the makeup trial, but many found this didn’t really work out very well and no longer allow it. Taking a photo for later reference is probably a good idea.
- If you are looking into artificial tanning remember to discuss it up with the makeup artist, and probably the dress maker. If your skin is a shade darker on the day it might change the whole look that the dress and makeup were aiming at.
- Look into some good healthy ways to improve your skin for your big day. By this we mean good diet and exercise. As these things tend to be beneficial for your health in general you might want to keep up the good habits.
- Remember that lighting will affect the look of you makeup. Most makeup artists and photographers are savvy to this, using non-reflective/matt foundation and flash photography where appropriate. It doesn’t hurt to raise the matter in advance.
- Talk to the artist about what you might do with nail polish. It is a little counter-intuitive but when you have an elaborate dress the nail polish tends to be better if it doesn’t stand out. As with everything all the elements need to be co-ordinated.
- If you are wearing jewellery, as most brides do, remember to factor this in, at least be showing a few photos to the dress and makeup designers.
- Ask about a touch-up kit for the day; maintenance is important.