Eyelash Alternatives


Eyelashes can make all the difference in our appearance. We automatically notice people’s eyes, so even a small change around our eyes has significant influence on how people see us. For this reason longer eyelashes are popular with many women. A seemingly small change has a noticeable effect upon the whole face.


Eyelash Extensions Sydney

  • These come in various styles, and it is not too hard to find a set that look like a better version of you natural lashes.
  • Eyelash extensions tend to last about 6 weeks, during which time you don’t need to apply false lashes.
  • You can accentuate the lashes on more formal occasions, or leave them as they are to look great for everyday wear.
  • Lashes can be made longer and also be made to look thicker.
  • Well applied eyelash extensions look far more natural than just about any alternative.



  • Lashes have to be professionally re-applied about eight times per year.
  • Good lashes take a professional an hour or more to apply
  • For the first day after application you must avoid water and steam.


Sydney Lash Studio

If you are considering lash extensions Sydney has several fine studios such a 5N2. In the long term is less time consuming to have lashes professionally done every month or two; you no longer have to apply them each morning. And the time spend at the clinic is almost therapeutic. Take a little time out at a Sydney lash studio, and feel better for the experience.

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