We have compiled a list comprising of 19 different handy travel tips which you may find useful on your endeavours.
- Do some research on how to clean clothes in sinks. Some places have a laundry service, some have one nearby (check the location on the internet). Else, find ways of cleaning clothes in a bathroom sink, using a plastic bag and a portable clothesline.
- Clothes can tear. Learn to use a needle and thread. Hotels often supply these as a complementary item.
- If you are away from hotels or other places with a shower, carry baby wipes and use them to wash yourself. If nothing else you’ll sleep better.
- Learn appropriate words and phrases in the local language. ‘No thank you’ is an essential phrase/word.
- Healthy living is important. Find your local grocery retailers on the internet/Google earth before you leave. Cheaper than always eating out and healthier. Eating where the locals eat is a good rule of thumb, though tolerance of local water/bugs might be an issue.
- Find out about safe water and health issues for that particular country includes ice in drinks, brushing teeth, washing salads. Find out where medical help is available on the internet well in advance.
- Find a way to hide some emergency money. Travel belts are good, secret compartments, something hanging around your neck.
- Baby wipes, tissues and sanitiser, especially if toilet facilities are lacking.
- Photograph your passports and other documents in case theft/loss. Send scans of these documents in emails to yourself so you can access them on the net.
- Be aware of local laws.
- Check up on vaccination for the particular country. Travel insurance is essential.
- Look up individual restaurants or services on the net to see if they are a scam, or if they have a good deal going.
- Bring disposable items, including some clothes, socks, underwear, etc. It lets you have a little more room on the return journey.
- Know where your country’s embassy is, or any other emergency location.
- Trains are better for a medium (less than a day) journey where you don’t plan to stop. Tour coaches are fine if you are stopping at several sites; lousy if you have to sit still for hours at end.
- A paper map can be more convenient than internet guides. Have both available. Photostat or print maps at home and carry them, paper takes up little room.
- Even if you luggage is minimal use a Sydney airport transfer service. Don’t waste half a day finding your way around; don’t risk missing you flight. Shuttles are reasonably cheap, especially if travelling in groups.
- When you reach your destination use a shuttle bus, preferable from the accommodation you are staying at. It saves time and probably money.