- Watch the whale and dolphins. The whales are a regular feature from May to November, and it’s very rare not to see at least a few dolphins.
- Feed fishes and sharks at the Australian Shark and Ray Centre. Some daring people even hop in with the marine animals.
- Ride a camel at Oakfield ranch, open weekends and school vacation times.
- Take a 4WD tour.
- Find a flat board and go sand-boarding. Easy going down, but considerable exercise when climbing the dunes.
- See turtles at the Great Lakes Marine Park. Lucky travellers may see a few other rarer creatures as well.
- Visit and sample the drinks at the Murrays’ Craft brewing Co. or Port Stephens Winery Tours. Could be the best way to end a day out. Look for a few unique drinks such as the whale Ale or coffee and cocoa flavoured brews.
- Hire a jet ski.
- Learn to scuba-dive.
- Go Parasailing.
- Oakville farm and Fauna World has Koalas and Kangaroos to see and feed.
- There’s beach fishing and Deep Ocean fishing tours.
- Just spend the day swimming, or surfing, or just at the beach in general.