One of Sydney’s iconic landmarks, construction on the Sydney Harbour Bridge started in July 1923, and took eight years to complete. The idea for putting a bridge in this position was proposed at least as far back as 1815.
Reports of people illegally climbing the bridge date back to at least the 1950’s. There were no reported injuries resulting from these illegal climbs, but, as individuals had died during the construction of the bridge, and as there was a potential risk of falling objects causing serious problems for motorists below, it was eventually decided that regulation of a legal means of climbing the bridge was the best way to keep matters as safe as possible.
Bridge Climb started in 1998, allowing tourists to have a legally guided climb of the bridge’s arches. Journeys begin on the bridge’s eastern side and accent to the top. Individual making this accent are secured to the bridge by a wire lifeline. Due to the potential problems caused by falling object it is not possible to carry any items on the bridge trip other than glasses and hats, and even these are securely kept in place. Individuals wear overalls that are supplied by the Bridge climb staff. The only photography possible is the official images taken by the tour guide at the top of the bridge. A group photo is included in the cost of the trip. The climbers descend on the western side of the bridge.
The Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb is conducted at various times of the day. The view at night is significantly different to the view at dawn, or during the day.
Latter variations on the bridge tours have allowed assents inside the bridges structure.
The south-east pylon of the bridge contains many interesting features, including a museum.