Orthokeratology Sydney

Ortho –K Sydney
What is orthokeratology?
Orthokeratology use gas permeable lenses, worn overnight, to alter the shape of the eye. Done correctly, this altering of the front part of the eye at night allows clear vision during the day.

What conditions can be helped by Ortho- K?
Orthokeratology can correct refractive errors, making it suitable for treating:
Near sightedness, in many cases
Astigmatism (generally blurred vision), if not too severe
Some forms of Hyperopia (far sightedness), if not too severe
Presbyopia (blurred vision for close objects), if not too severe
Slowing of Myopia development
Keratoconus, in some cases.

How long do the effects of Ortho-K last?
In terms of clearer vision the effects should last for at least a day; some patients find the vision improvement lasts for two days, but wearing the lenses every night is preferable.
In terms of preventing eye problem from getting worse the effects of ortho – K treatment is ongoing. Continual use of the lenses will significantly slow down any decline in vision.

Myopia Control Sydney
Children suffering shore sightedness often find it get progressively worse over time, forcing them to wear a stronger prescription of glasses. Orthokeratology can significantly slow the progress of myopia.

How long before treatment is effective?
For less severe vision problems patients experience improvement after one or two nights. More severe vision problems can take up to two weeks before for maximum benefits are achieves; occasionally a progressive series of different lenses are used.

Keratoconus Sydney
Keratoconus is a thinning of the cornea at the front of the eye. This causes the eye to be misshaped and the vision to be significantly compromised. Is steadily grows worse over time. Patients can end up with vision so poor that they are considered legally blind. Orthoketatology is one of very few methods able to treat keratoconus. A Keratoconus Optometrist Sydney giving the appropriate orthokeratology lenses can significantly slow the progressive problems of keratoconus.

For any further questions consult your Ortho K Sydney Optometrist.

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